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Windows Event Error

Critical Windows Events:

Do you experience Windows event errors? Analyze and resolve numerous Windows event errors that occur, such as during startup, shut down, running applications and reading/writing to the hard drive

Security Problems in PC

Other Security Problems:

Are your Windows security settings optimally set? Analyze Windows settings and restore default values when needed

Junk files removal in Disk

Disk Junk:

Is your disk full and you don’t know why? Identify and delete files that are not needed. This includes files created by Windows and your applications such as Log files, Temporary files and Error Reporting files

Computer Boot Time Optimization

Boot Time Optimization:

Are you frustrated by a slow computer startup? Identify and disable unnecessary startup programs and optimize the performance of the registry file by defragmenting it

Registry Error Fixing

Registry Problems:

Did you know that Windows Registry file problems can impact your computers performance? Detect and repair problems in the following categories:

  • File Extensions
  • Font Locations
  • Help Locations
  • Menu Order
  • Shared Dll's
  • Shared Folders
  • Startup locations
  • Uninstall locations
Ransomware Solutions
Ransomeware Solutions
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